Compiling LAMMPS

  1. Download LAMMPS

  2. Download Zlib

  3. Install Zlib

make distclean
make install
  1. Install dependencies like BLAS, LAPACK, GSL and Eigen. For Manjaro users, you could install these libraries by the pacman command:
sudo pacman -Syu blas lapack gsl eigen
  1. Create a software folder in your home directory (ie. ‘mkdir ~/soft’)

  2. Untar the lammps tarball (ie. ‘tar -xvf lammps-stable.tar.gz’)

  3. Go to the lammps src folder (ie. ‘cd lammps-*/src’)

  4. Compile lammps (ie. make mpi)

cmake -C ../cmake/presets/most.cmake   -D PKG_MANYBODY=yes  -D PKG_RIGID=yes -D PKG_MISC=yes -D PKG_USER-REAXC=yes -D PKG_MOLECULE=yes -D PKG_USER-DIFFRACTION=yes -D PKG_GPU=yes -D GPU_API=cuda -D GPU_ARCH=sm_75 -D CUDA_MPS_SUPPORT=yes -D PKG_COMPRESS=yes -D ZLIB_INCLUDE_DIR=/usr/local/include -D ZLIB_LIBRARIES=/usr/local/lib ../cmake  # configuration with (command-line) cmake

Zhengzhou University Supercomputer installation guide

module load compiler/cmake/3.15.6 mathlib/fftw/3.3.8/double/gnu
cmake -C ../cmake/presets/most.cmake -D FFT=fftw3 -D FFTW3_LIBRARY=/public/software/mathlib/fftw/3.3.8/double/gnu/lib/libfftw3.a -D CMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER=gfortran -D BUILD_MPI=yes -D PKG_KIM=yes -D DOWNLOAD_KIM=no   ../cmake
Linyuan Shi
Linyuan Shi

My research interests include non-equilibrium reactive molecular dynamics simulation and first principles computation.