Installation of zsh and beautify

Zsh is a Unix shell, which has been developed since 1990. Especially by the extensions you can install via the Oh My Zsh framework, the work in the termial is greatly simplified.

  1. Install zsh by running
sudo apt-get install zsh
  1. Verify installation by running zsh --version. Expected result: zsh 5.1.1 or more recent.

  2. Make it your default shell: chsh -s $(which zsh)

  3. Install Oh My Zsh via wget

sh -c "$(wget -O-"
  1. Change Zsh theme to agnoster. Set ZSH_THEME to the name of the theme in your ~/.zshrc, before sourcing Oh My Zsh; for example: ZSH_THEME=agnoster

  2. Install one of the patched fonts from Vim-Powerline for the special characters.

  3. Install zsh-syntax-highlighting to zsh.

    If meet on my zsh safty issues chmod 755 ${plugin-directory}

  4. Install zsh-autosuggestions

Linyuan Shi
Linyuan Shi

My research interests include non-equilibrium reactive molecular dynamics simulation and first principles computation.